Senior Travel Guide
Whether you are retired or still working, hoping to travel with family, a partner, or solo—My Travelifestyle has a wealth of senior trip ideas for every variety of senior travelers.
Currently, senior tourists are characterized as being cultured people with an adventurous spirit, better physical and mental condition, and, therefore, very willing to travel. In addition, these tourists are more integrated with technology; senior tourists book their accommodation and flight through websites.
When it comes to traveling, senior tourists are looking for a destination that helps them maintain their physical, mental, and social well-being and increase their personal enrichment so that they can best face the challenges of their old age (such as loneliness).
Likewise, one of the main reasons why older people travel is to enjoy their vacations or retirement. There is also visiting your relatives, relaxing and getting out of the routine.
What is senior tourism?
Before talking about senior tourists, it is necessary to define what senior tourism is. According to Antunes (2012), senior tourism can be defined as “the practice of activities and experiences by people over 55 years of age, outside of their daily lives, without dependent children and for a minimum period of 24 hours and for undefined time”.
The senior tourist
The main characteristic that defines a senior tourist is his age, this is what differentiates him from other tourists. In this sense, a senior tourist for some authors is one who is over 65 years of age, for others it is one who is 55 years of age or older.
The “senior” category is often divided into two subgroups: the younger seniors from 55 to 64 years old and the older seniors from 65 and older.
Services that Senior tourism seeks
Every owner or investor of Seniors Resorts must take into account that there are certain services that senior tourists consider very important when choosing accommodation.
These services are>
safe medical assistance,
direct and comfortable transportation,
secure accommodation,
food appropriate to their needs,
means that facilitate communication,
trained personnel to care for them,
as well as a wide range of recreational activities.
The activities most in demand by senior tourists are all those related to recreation, rest, culture and religion.
European senior tourist
Now, taking into account the European senior tourist, it has been seen that there is a high propensity to travel abroad from countries such as Belgium, Germany, the United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Denmark, the Netherlands and Austria, while countries such as Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal the propensity to travel abroad is low. The main profile of the senior tourism are retirees with plenty of time on their hands, and experienced travellers who are making travelling a priority now. They also have time flexibility and demand higher-quality services than the average tourist.
Another very important aspect to consider, especially for owners and investors in the senior resort sector, is that northern European countries are willing to travel to countries on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, including Spain.
On the other hand, the issuing countries for senior tourism that stand out the most in Europe are Germany and the United Kingdom.